
NGO Registration Number: S-68958/2010

Dhrov’s tikoo III-A

It has been great to be associated with orkids team. The effort put is by all teachers to help Dhrov improve is be mentors and the result are showing. He is getting more confident and more involved in everything. Thank You for all the support.



Thank you for giving me this opportunity to share my feedback about Nisna . A year back, we have enrolled Orkids with a mixed hope that she may or may not improve her reading skill. As time passes, we saw great improvement in me. It is not only a reading skill but also her confidence level in all respect improved a lot. Now she takes interest of her own in reading, participating in social occasion/gathering etc. I believe her little steps will take her to a great height Thanks to Neha ma’am for assuring as to enhance Nisna’s improvement. Lastly thanks to Orkids team and the teachers for their support. Thanks to Shikha ma’am too, who introduce as with Orkids.

Simran Saini

Ishmeet is studying in Orkids from last 3 years and he has seen a lot of improvement in him. He is thankful to whole Orkids team for making children help to overcome their weakness.

Bhawana – Mother of Karthik 

I am extremely glad that we took a decision to enroll Karthik in the Orkids program early last year. The result has been very satisfying and more importantly Karthik enjoys the whole experience. You have a good set of counsellors who are willing to work with the child and are very consultative with the presents.


Big thank you to Miss Kritika for bringing commendable change in the child. Sensory needs, behavioral issues and comprehension and grip have been taken care very well. Regular feedback is being given by the orchid steam has helped to make improvement at home and other places also looking forward for such ptm.


आदरणीय अध्यापिका जी और किड्स में आपके पढ़ने के तरीकों को जानकर बहुत ही अच्छा महसूस हुआ दीपक में फुल कॉन्फिडेंस आया जिससे मैं बहुत ही प्रभावित हुई जब से दीपक और किड्स में आया उसकी पढ़ाई में मन लगा आपका पढ़ने का तरीका बहुत ही अच्छा है धन्यवाद

सभी बच्चों की थेरेपी टाइम से हो रही है। थेरेपी से बच्चों में इंप्रूवमेंट देखने को मिल रहा है।



  1. Level of interest in classwork.

  2. Sense of responsibility towards finishing work in time, Complete assignments

  3. Significant and visible improvement in Hindi in finishing the round test paper in time. Understanding the questions, avoiding silly mistake, attempting all questions.

  4. Attention in class- more than attention than earlier.

  5. Level of confidence in being able to do a job, is better than before.


  1. Better than earlier performance in EVS.

  2. Hindi was fairly good too.

  3. School teachers appreciative of her improvement

  4. Creative writing, spelling and comprehension are the areas to be work upon -the teachers said.

  5. Her classmates clapped for her as class teacher said she is improving.