
NGO Registration Number: S-68958/2010

Parents are an important cog in the smooth running of the education system. The responsibility of bringing up holistically developed children is shared both by the school as well as parents. Orkids believes in regular interaction and support given to the parents. oPEN (Orkids Parents Empowerment Network) is one such online forum which has members / participants from across the globe. oPEN [Orkids Parent Empowerment Network] – oPEN was initiated in February 2017 with an aim to have a portal to empower parents of children with SLD and other related issues. It focuses on rights of CWSEN, advocacy and availability of local /regional services across the country and also overseas. This was done with collaboration with PEN Parent Empowerment Network (of USA) and UNESCO-MGIEP (India). With different modes of social media this network of primarily parents and professionals has formed a robust group helping parents understand and avail the services with ease. This informal group serves as not only a thinking tank for many but also a sound emotional support to parents who may need it.

Launch of oPEN (Orkids Parents Empowerment Network) in 2017

Panel discussion with parents of children with Specific Learning Disabilities during oPEN launch

Interactive session with financial expert, lawyer, child psychiatrist and career counsellor during oPEN launch