Delhi Learning Disabilities Association (DLDA) is a non-profit organization working in the field of Disabilities towards creating national awareness, intervention and advocacy in the field of Learning Disabilities (LD). It also offers a platform for constructive interaction between professionals, parents and teachers through workshops for upgrading the skills of special educators and teachers. DLDA regularly organizes and conducts numerous awareness
workshops / seminars/ teacher training programs for teachers in government schools/ MCD schools/ Public schools in New Delhi. Today, we feel, there is an urgent need for intervention as for many children , undetected learning disabilities is creating a lifelong pattern of frustration and failure leading to increased stress, depression and increased risk for suicide in these students. Unable to learn to read or write adequately or to handle simple numerical calculations, these children are forced into a lifetime of underemployment or unemployment. They tend to drop out of school and many fall into a range of antisocial behaviors.
Delhi Learning Disabilities Association is actively working to increase awareness about Learning Disabilities and its ramifications through workshops, seminars and parent group meetings in New Delhi through Schools, Clubs, Corporate organizations so that parents and teachers may be more aware of the problems of learning being faced by their children at school. If you have any suggestion regarding how you could help us in creating awareness among the stakeholders, please feel free to write to us at : info@dlda.org Help us help these children get the support and intervention that they require to become constructive contributors to Society.