
NGO Registration Number: S-68958/2010

With the advent of RTE (Right To Education), it is becoming imperative for all teaching professionals to upgrade their own skills and qualifications with the objective of reaching out to all the diverse learners in their classrooms.

HANDS ON TRAINING – Orkids conducts a “Hands On Training” (HOT) Practicum Course which will ONLY comprises of practical exposure to special education. This unique course is made for those teachers, professionals, parents and/or students who want to gain actual experience with children with special educational needs. It’s a one on one course at identified Orkids Clinics.

SPECIAL EDUCATION NEEDS COORDINATORS [SENCO] a distance learning course – Developed by Orkids, this course is the first of its kind, offering in-service teachers and professionals an opportunity to enhance their skills despite time and other constraints. The SENCO course has already been successfully conducted in various locations, including Delhi, Chandigarh, Coonoor, Kolkata, Jaipur, and Bangladesh. This program is tailored for individuals seeking to cater to the diverse needs of all learners, aspiring remedial educators, and those aiming to gain a comprehensive understanding of the requirements of every child in their classrooms.
The program features interactive, participatory, and web-based communication primarily in English. The course spans one year and includes two sets of online contact classes, each lasting for 5 days.

P.G. DIPLOMA IN MANAGEMENT OF LEARNING DISABILITIES – Started in the year 2004 in affiliation with SNDT Women’s University, Mumbai, it is an exceptional course which provides comprehensive insights into learning disabilities, equipping educators with proficiency in effectively addressing the needs of children within classroom settings.
The program functions part-time, scheduled after school hours, to cater to the needs of in-service teachers.

Learning Disabilities orientation workshop for all teachers of school as part of School sensitization program

Dr Geet Oberoi as Key Note speaker at the Learning Disability Conference in Dubai.

Awareness workshop on Learning Disabilities for parents in Bangladesh

Shadow Smart, a 45-Hour Certificate Course for Teachers, Parents and Students. This comprehensive course combines theory and practical sessions, covering modules from Inclusion to Remediation.