
NGO Registration Number: S-68958/2010

Occupational therapy plays a crucial role in supporting children throughout their developmental stages, enabling them to engage in desired and necessary activities by employing therapeutic interventions using everyday tasks. This includes assisting children with disabilities in participating actively in school and social environments, with a focus on promoting independent mobility. The therapy encompasses training in assistive device technology, meaningful and purposeful activities, as well as life skills. Orkids extends its scope to physical and mental rehabilitation. Our therapists aid individuals in experiencing physical and cognitive changes, striving to maximize their independent functioning, advocating for patient health, identifying vocational activities, and offering support for a holistic approach to rehabilitation. Our team is dedicated to enhancing the quality of life and promoting independence across various life stages.

This wheelbarrow position helps to provide maximum vestibular input for a sensory seeker, and good postural control and proximal stability of the joints.

Different movements of the swing like swinging, rocking, side ti side etc help the child to remain alert and also provide the stimulation such kids need